USS Midway Ghost Haunt Spirit (CV-41)(CVB/CVA/CV-41):

The U.S.S Midway is a decommissioned United States Navy aircraft carrier, she was commissioned a week after the end of World War II. The U.S.S Midway was the largest tonnage ship in the world until 1955. She served for an unprecedented 47 continuous years, saw action in the Vietnam theater, and was the flagship in 1991’s Operation Desert Storm. Decommissioned in 1992, she is now a well trafficked museum in San Diego, California, and the only remaining (non Essex class) U.S. aircraft carrier of the World War II era.
Besides her obvious historic and patriotic importance the U.S.S Midway has gained the very quiet reputation of being haunted. Specifics of the haunting are being kept, “very close to the chest,” among volunteers and staff.
Online reports from non specific sources claim, “the USS Midway has a great deal of paranormal activity onboard, with over 30 ghosts/spirits having been recorded in the last five years. The ship does not promote its haunted side, so much of this info will be new to the paranormal community. The ship was listed and discussed as one of four haunted ships at the 2012 Maritime Ghost Conference in San Diego. The only paranormal group known to have had a sanctioned investigation was the San Diego Ghost Hunters.
Thank you for such a great job, The Midway holds a pace in the hearts of my family. Our
father served on the crew of the Midway in 1944 1945. He is a plank holder in the flight deck.
The US Navy issued a very ornate scroll with all of the information. I can send you a photo of the document if you are interested.
My father’s name was Vincent F. Tucci
Where are the FDR and Coral sea?
The FDR and Coral Sea were both scrapped. FDR was scrapped between 1978 and 1980, and Coral Sea was demolished between 1994 and 2000. A series of legal issues and financial problems stalled the scrapping of Coral Sea which is why it took 6 years to scrap her. FDR and Coral Sea were both scrapped on the East Coast. FDR in New Jersey(?), and Coral Sea in Baltimore, I believe.
I imagine mementos from both ships WERE preserved.
I know one of Coral Sea’s anchors was donated to a memorial in Australia for the Battle of the Coral Sea.
I can’t find any mention of items saved from the FDR but typically things like anchors, the ship’s bell(s), and commissioning plaques are saved. Larger items like the ship’s nameplate and screws are rarely preserved but it happens on occasion.
We went to see the Midway years ago close to Halloween. We lived in Escondido at the time. I won tickets from a local radio station. They were screening ,,,”Ghost Buster” the Original. Towards the end one of the huge parts of the screen toppled over for no reason. Oddly enough, we moved to Colorado and lo and behold. I just found a disposable camera that we had purchased there and used. It still seems to be in working order. I plan to take it in to see if we can process it and see what’s there.