San Diego Haunted Photo gallery Sweetwater Bridge and Trail. Located off of Singer Lane, which intersects with Highway 94. The Sweetwater Bridge was built in 1929 to carry U.S. Highway 80 over the Sweetwater River in San Diego County, California. U.S. Highway 80 was eventually replaced by Interstate 8 in 1970. In 1987, the road was re-routed slightly and a new, modern bridge was built right next to it on Highway 94.
The bridge was built by Pacific Iron and Steel Co. The architecture is a fine example of early 1900’s Parker Truss bridge engineering. Unfortunately the bridge was very narrow measuring only 22.5 feet wide and 460 feet tall. Eventually the bridge became more dangerous than useful in addition to unnecessary.
The bridge has been left as a monument to early 1900’s bridges and connects with Hiking & biking routes in the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge crossing.
During the early months of covid-19 when much of San Diego was closed we took the hiking trail across the bridge and through the wildlife refuge. Ironically the first day we showed up for a hike, a small film crew and two investigators were filming a paranormal investigation of the bridge. Several online sources claim the area is haunted.