DIY Polterpod Style Device


Paranologies produced and sold the Polterpod intelligent sweep spirit box online for $250.00. The device has been used by Ghost Adventures and other paranormal groups as an instrumental trans-communication device. ITC devices allegedly allow direct communications between the living an deceased.

According to the Paranologies website “The Polterpod, a revolutionary handheld device, represents the latest advancement in spirit communication technology.” The key advertised features for the device include “motorized sweep technology, auto adjustment, hands free, user friendly design, and portable and compact.

diy polterpod style device

As always we love to tinker and thought it would be pretty easy to replicate some of the key functions of the device with out the frills and at a fraction of the cost, in our case around $40.00.

At 1:09 what do you hear? on this diy polterpod style device

Parts list

180 degree micro servo ~ $2.00

Arduino micro controller ~ price variable by type R3 UNO clone ~ $8.00

Vogurt Time Brand AM/FM soldering project radio kit ~ $20.00

Enclosure Variable cost cheap box online ~ $10.00

*Soldering Equipment and windows computer for programming Arduino not included in price estimate.

#include <Servo.h>

//simple code

Servo tail; //create servo object to control a servo

void loop_tail() {
 int t1 = random(0, 210); //defines variable and sets servo step amount between 0 and 210 degrees
 int t2 = random(500, 800); //defines variable and sets random delay 
 int t3 = random(400, 1000); //defines variable and sets neutral random delay     

 tail.write(t1); //makes servo position random
 delay(t2); //triggers random relay
 tail.write(0); //resets servo to neutral position
 delay(t3); //triggers neutral random delay           

void setup() {
  tail.attach(9); //attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

void loop() {
  byte randNum = random(3); //max range of numbers
  switch (randNum) //switches between the random numbers assigned in this loop
    case 0:
