Mule Hill Paranormal Ghost Haunt:
[ User Submitted ] My husband, daughter and I lived in the Sonata neighborhood in Escondido from 1985 until 1993. During the time we lived in this house, I would see fleeting shadows out of the corner of my eye when entering or leaving a room. The downstairs room was also always very cool, bordering on cold. My daughter admitted to me that she would see a shadow man that would stand in the entry and watch her but sometimes would follow her up the stairs until she would close her door. She stated that she had such a state of dread at night that it was very difficult for her to sleep soundly. We surmised that this paranormal activity could be related to the Kit Carson Battle at San Pasqual and the subsequent retreat to Mule Hill. The following website indicates that the actual location of Mule Hill is roughly in the same area of our home. See: