The Crash of PSA Flight 182 And The Possible Ghost That Remains

The Crash of PSA Flight 182 And The Possible Ghost That Remains: My family moved into a residence in the 9000 block of Nile St In San Diego’s North Park Community around 1985. Aware the residence had been resurrected from the ashes of the horrific events of the 1978 collision/crash of PSA flight 182 , my parents still bought the house. I was very young at the time of moving into our home. As such, I didn’t have any understanding of what had occurred in 1978. That however would change pretty fast.
It all started the first night of sleeping alone In my own bedroom at our new home. A reoccurring ghost dream that only ceased when I moved out a few years ago. In the dream, I am what appears to be a male pilot of some type of airplane. I can vaguely make out idle chit-chat from passengers and the hum of engines. Everything seems perfect. It appears to be a sunny day out based on what I see from the cockpit the earth far beneath me. I feel at peace here.
Then at this moment of beautiful bliss, everything changes. That horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize something is wrong takes over. There’s a frenzy of beeps and lights going off, idle chit-chat changed to screams and chaos. I go through the motions of what to do to stabilize the situation but I already know there’s no way out.
Most of the time at this point I perceive a loud bang everything goes black and I jerk myself awake and scream for mom or dad. Every now and then however everything goes black but then I get this sudden feeling of euphoria like everything is going to be alright, at this point I open my eyes, and for the briefest of time I see the silhouette of a man standing and emitting a soothing presence through his smile. At those times I peacefully close my eyes and drift back to sleep protected by this vision.
As a teenager, I finally learned about the crash of PSA flight 182. I did my own research and learned about the crash and its devastation. I also read online that some local ghost hunters were doing paranormal sessions near my house.
To this day I feel like he (the pilot) is part of me and watching over me. When I’m scared or stressed I see him in my mind emitting that presence of peace and tranquility. As for my family, they never had my dreams. They experienced what I suppose you would call a “normal haunting”. Dishes every now and then slide off the table crashing below. Cupboard doors open and close for no reason. Late night knocking on walls the occasionally drowned rummer of people talking when no one else is around. And very seldom a pitch black shadow figure gracefully moving across the wall. Is it the presence of my pilot from the dreams? Is it the ghost of one of the crew from PSA flight 182? I don’t know but it did influence my destiny, I became a licensed airline pilot.
The Captain of PSA Flight 182 was named Captain James McFeron.
It would be entirely in keeping with that site that his spirit would be a ‘guardian’ of the area and its memory. It is also in keeping with this spiritual nexus that his spirit would still be with you and protecting you in life as he could not do for his passengers or children on the ground that did not survive his plane’s crashing. You see, he may feel the whole thing was his fault and needs to make recompence. The nature of the accident was due to human error more than anything else and, although it was an accident that was set up by many oversights where San Diego’s flight paths were concerned at the time, if Captain McFaron had just looked up in time then he might have been able to avert the disaster. As it was, it has long been figured that he was using his last few seconds of life in an attempt to save lives. The vector of the jet during the crash was tending towards hitting the 805 freeway very close to the site of the crash. It is believed that McFaron was able to pitch the jet up just enough to miss the freeway and hit the relatively less populated neighborhood. At the time, most people would have been at work and so the death toll was far less then it could have been.
I witnessed the aftermath of the crash when I was at the tender age of 7 years old. I have been connected to the site ever since. My own spirit who reached out to me, I believe, was called ‘Superman’ because he was possibly the only poor soul on that flight that survived long enough to actually experience his own death. Most everyone on the plane was killed instantly, but not ‘Superman’. He was flung from the tail section of the plane and lived just long enough to fly through the air alive and see his death coming as he impacted in a car not too far away. His spirit screamed to me for years after until I finally came to the site and made my peace with him. I dont’ know his name, but I feel he is a protector also.
The site of the crash is now at peace. It has an unusual ‘grace’ about the place where it remains a quiet little neighborhood even though it is right next to a freeway. As of 2018, there is even a long awaited plaque set in the corner near ground zero.
If you are ever in San Diego again, pay the area a visit and thank Captain McFaron for being a ‘guardian’ to you and then ask him to find his own peace.
May you always fly the friendly skies! 🙂
MRM: They had no control of the aircraft at ALL! And if they had the slightest bit, lightly populated I 805 would have been the only choice. Ask ANY pilot.
that is correct
I probably know you. I grew up on Nile st. My family moved into a house at the dead end in 1983 when I was 7. One day me and my friends were playing in the canyon and we found a cessna door that had apparently been missed during the wreckage recovery. I told my parents about what we found and thats when they told me about the crash. It wasnt until I was an adult that I discovered how bad it was. I’m just amazed at how quickly the street was rebuilt. 5 years after the crash it was like there was not even a trace of the devastation. Im surprised there wasn’t a memorial or something. Im guessing the neighborhood just wanted to put the memory of that horrific day behind them, a reminder may have been too painful.
Did you or your family ever experience anything paranormal 2Foxy? I’ve researched this quite a bit seems like very hit-and-miss on whether residents had have experienced.
I lived in the dead end at Nile st back in 2008 in the apartments. I was a street level unit. My son and I experienced so many paranormal events there, it was the most haunted space I have ever lived.
As a young teenager I lived at 3379 Dwight st in a duplex from summer 1997 – summer 2000 or 2001. We had a fair share of activity. Most notably was what I always felt was a child between 3 and 6 that would play with my old toys in the middle of the night and disturb my sleep. Which made perfect sense when I got older and learned more about the crash and the two boys who were casualties on the ground. I’ve hoped for a long time that he/they have found a way to pass on in the meantime.
There’s a memorial there now. Not sure when it was put there.